Country’s top-ranking industrialist and Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan urged the Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission in Barrackpore to establish educational institutions in Bangladesh to spread the ideology of Swami Vivekananda. The veteran industrialist of the country on Thursday came up with the suggestion at the foundation-laying ceremony of “Vivekananda Memorial Auditorium cum Seminar Hall”. The members of the governing body of Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission in Barrackpore organised the programme marking the 150th birthday of Swami Vivekananda. “Establish educational institutions to spread the ideology of Ramkrishna and Vivekananda. Bashundhara Group will provide land and money for the purpose,” he said. Audience welcomed the BG chairman’s proposal with clap. “I am really happy to get the opportunity to attend the ceremony. I am showing deep respect on the memory of the two great men of Bangladesh and India,” he added.
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