The daily Kaler Kantho, leading newspaper in the country, will celebrate its fifth anniversary on Saturday, 10th January. To mark the day, Managing Director of Bashundhara Group Sayem Sobhan Tanvir inaugurated the program of anniversary celebration at the Conference Hall of East West Media Bhabon on Friday evening. Among others, Imdadul Haque Milon, the editor of daily Kaler Kantho, Alamgir Hossain, editor in chief of, Amir Hossain, editor of Daily Sun, Noim Nijam, editor of Bangladesh Protidin were present. Different joyful events will be held at the Bashundhara International Convention Centre on 10th January, birthday of Kaler Kantho. Heroine Freedom Awards will also be conferred to the war victims women during our liberation war.
SOURCE : Daily Sunদেশব্যাপী অসচ্ছল নারীরা পেলো বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের সেলাই মেশিন
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