Sahara Group wants to work in cooperation with Banshundhara Group and other developers in Bangladesh without getting into competition with anyone. The desire was expressed by Subrata Roy Sahara, chairman of the Indian business conglomerate Sahara Group, during his courtesy call on Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan at Rupashai Bangla Hotel in Dhaka on Friday. At their meeting the Bashundhara Group Chairman, Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, a renowned industrialist, said large-scale investment through Sahara Group is possible if cooperation is extended by the Government and the private entrepreneurs. “The housing requirements of the people of the country would be largely met if good and renowned developers join the country’s housing sector,” he added. The Sahara Group Chairman eagerly heard about the experiences gleaned from different housing projects of Bashundhara Group. At the time, discussions were held on various fields of mutual cooperation. Assuring his cooperation in land purchase and other matters the Bashundhara Group Chairman said that common people would be benefited if housing projects’ marketing is done officially. Stating that he feels an urge from the core of heart for doing something for development of the people of Bangladesh, Subrata Roy Sahara said, “Not only in housing, Sahara Group wants to be a partner in development of Bangladesh. Specially, Sahara wants to work for supplying safe water to the arsenic problem-stricken people.” Appreciating the imposing Bashundhara City, the Sahara Group chief said Bashundhara Group has set an example of such a big shopping mall in a small country. “Due to the growth of innumerable shopping malls in India their demand is declining there,” he said. Citing the example of the world’s 17th-largest and Asia’s largest shopping mall, the Bashundhara Group Chairman said to this 20-lakh-square-foot mall over one lakh people come for shopping everyday. Bashundhara Residential Area is also a big venture in the country’s housing sector, the chairman pointed out. When Subrata Sahara mentioned high price of land in Bangladesh, the Bashundhara Group Chairman clarified that the land price is higher in some specific areas, but in other areas the price of land is comparatively low. The Bashundhara Group Chairman thanked the Sahara Group Chairman for visiting Bangladesh and assured Sahara Group of all possible help in the efforts for development of the country. The Sahara Group Chairman invited the Bashundhara Group Chairman to visit India. Present at the meeting were, among others, Subrata Bhattacharya, Head of Strategic Management Group of Sahara Group, Rajeeb Chakravarty, Head of Corporate Communication Division of Sahara Group, Col. Khandaker Abdul Wahed (Retd), Executive Director of Bashundhara Group, and high officials of both the establishments.
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