Bashundhara Group, leading industrial and business conglomerate in the country, under a pilot project, will soon set up liquid petrol gas (LPG) filling station in the city to serve the duel-fuel motor vehicles. When commissioned, it will be the first filling station in the country dispensing liquid petrol gas (LPG) for the automobiles have long been using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) beside conventional gasoline as motor fuel. LPG is the blended form of propane and butane gases, two components of the conventional gasoline products. Government in the mid-80s started promoting Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as a clean and environment friendly motor fuel when the conventional gasoline like octane, petrol and diesel went costlier in the global market. In the backdrop of fast depletion of the country’s natural gas reserve, the government has decided not to feed natural gas for the domestic and transport purposes in the near future what has started creating demand for the LPG. Foreseeing demand for the alternative motor fuel, Bashundhara Group has taken up the pilot project for retailing LPG from stationary filling station and mobile tank trucks for domestic and transport purposes. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Bashundhara Group and Flussiggas-Anlagen Limited of Germany at the conference hall of the East West Media Group Limited (EWMGL) today (Wednesday). Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of the Bashundhara Group Mr. Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman FCA and the Managing Director of the Flussiggas-Anlagen Limited, Germany Mr. Lutz Jeremias signed the MoU on behalf of their respective entities. The Flussiggas-Anlagen Limited, Germany, as per the memorandum of understanding, will provide all machineries, develop LPG storage facilities, dispensation and technical know how for the project that will be commissioned near Bashundhara Residential Area by late January next year. Managing Director of Flussiggas-Anlagen Limited, Germany Mr. Lutz Jeremias said that his company had long experience of commissioning LPG stations both for mobile tank truck and stationary plants apart from manufacturing and supplying of filling station components. Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of the Bashundhara Group Mr. Mohammad Mustafizur Rahman FCA said that similar LPG filling stations would be set up all over the country if the pilot project becomes successful. Advisor (Press & Media) Mr. Mohammad Abu Tayeb, Company Secretary Nasimul Hye, Head of operation, BLPG Engr Zahidul Islam, local representative of the Flussiggas-Anlagen Limited, Germany Colonel (Retd)Enamul Haque and senior officials of the group among others joined the MOU signing ceremony.
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