Bashundhara Group awarded its 109 officials on Monday for completing their training on information communication and technology successfully. Additional Managing Director of Bashundhara Group Safwan Sobhan Tasvir handed over the prizes at a ceremony in the capital, according to a report. The first prize was Dhaka-Thailand-Dhaka air ticket (family) while the second and third prizes were Samsung Galaxy tabs and cash money respectively. One official won the first prize, 12 the second prize and 95 others the third prize. Bashundhara Group Executive Director and Administration and Human Resources Division chief Captain (rtd) Sheikh Ehsan Reza and general manager Atikuzzaman Khan were also present.
দেশব্যাপী অসচ্ছল নারীরা পেলো বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের সেলাই মেশিন
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Bashundhara Group’s Festival of Life with Children with Special Needs
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Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distribute Blankets in Bhola
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Bashundhara Foundation Distributes Interest-Free Loans in Bancharampur
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Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distribute Blankets in Kushtia