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Iftar items distributed among poor in Gobindaganj

Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distributes Iftar in Gobindaganj

Members of Bashundhara Shuvosangho distributed Iftar items among over 50 rickshaw and van pullers in Gobindaganj upazila of Gaibandha on Monday. Shuvosangho members visited the Kata, Kamdia, and Sardarhat areas of the upazila and delivered Iftar boxes among the helpless working people. Local business leader Sanwar Hossain Dipu inaugurated the programme while Krishak Dal leader Rafiqul Islam, student leader Mostakim Ahmed, Matiur Rahman Milan of Swechchhaseba

Iftar items distributed among poor in Gobindaganj

Dal, and ward member Md Khasru Mia were present on the occasion as guests.
Shuvosangho district unit President Humayun Ahmed Biplab, upazila Vice President Mehrab Zahid, Joint Organising secretary Ahsan Azim Pradhan, Organising Secretary Arkik Sultan attended the event.
Abdur Rahman, a rickshaw-puller from the Kata area, said that income has already decreased a lot in Ramadan. “It has become difficult to run the family with the income that I earn by pulling a rickshaw. So far, I have not received food as Iftar like this Ramadan. I pray for every one of Bashundhara,” he said.
Sanwar Hossain Dipu has appreciated the initiative of Bashundhara Shuvosangho for distributing Iftar among working people, including rickshaw and van pullers.


SOURCE : Daily Sun