Bashundhara Group, the country’s leading industrial conglomerate, entered into a three-year agreement with Bangladesh Golf Federation at a signing ceremony held at Kurmitola Golf Club on Tuesday. The deal was struck ahead of the four-day Bashundhara Bangladesh Open Golf Tournament-2015 (Asia Tour: Amateur Golf Competition) due to kick off on May 27. Bashundhara Group Additional Managing Director Safwan Sobhan and Bangladesh Golf Federation Secretary General Brig Gen Abul Fazal Mohammad Sanaullah signed the contract on behalf of their respective organisations. Bashundhara Group Deputy Managing Director Md Mostafizur Rahman, Adviser (PR) and Head of AHR, Lt Col (retd) Khandaker Abdul Wahed, Press and Media Adviser Mohammad Abu Tayeb, Bangladesh Golf Federation Senior Vice-president Maj Gen Mizanur Rahman Khan and Bangladesh Golf Federation’s Junior Division president Maj Gen Md Masud Razzak, among others, were present. “Bashundhara Group is a sports-friendly organisation and the major contributor to the golf arena. The company has also been contributing to football, hockey, tennis, cricket and other sports for long,” said Safwan Sobhan, additional managing director of Bashundhara Group. Country’s golf ace Siddiqur Rahman aside, numerous Asian professionals will participate in the world-class golf event. Some 30 rising local golfers will also take part in the event.
SOURCE : Daily Sunদেশব্যাপী অসচ্ছল নারীরা পেলো বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের সেলাই মেশিন
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