The three-day 'Bashundhara Cup Golf Tournament-2016' ended at Rangpur Golf Club (RGC) in Rangpur Cantonment here Friday. More than 100 contestants of different golf clubs participated in the male, female, junior and sub-junior groups of the tournament, sponsored by the Bashundhara Group. Rangpur Area Commander, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 66 Infantry Division and President of RGC Major General Md Masud Razzaque attended the inaugural and concluding ceremonies as the chief guest. In the Male Group, golfer Brigadier General Md Amin Akbar secured the first position, while golfer Brigadier General Abul Fazal Md Sanaullah won the best gross award. Golfer Major Hassan became the runner- up while golfer Major General Md Masud Razzaque won the second best gross award. Golfer Lieutenant Colonel Md Zulfiqar Ali became the second runner- up while Dr Md Zabed Akhter won the third best gross award. Golfer Colonel Ashraf secured the maxim par award, while golfer Nafi Fazal won the award for making the longest drive. Golfer Brigadier General Mamun won the nearest to pin award, while Lieutenant Colonel Mahbub won the 'conventional on' award. In Female Group, golfer Shahida Fazal became the winner, while golfer Nasrine Haque Bobby was awarded for becoming the best gross. Shova secured the first position. while Fida became the runner- up in Junior Group. In Sub-Junior Group, Wadi secured the first position and Zara became the runner- up.
বসুন্ধরা আই হসপিটালের সহায়তায় চিকিৎসা পেলেন ৬ শতাধিক মানুষ
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